Welcome To The Corner!!!

Home of the deliciously talented Heroclix and Mageknight 3-d map creator, reviewer, and all-around superstar!!!
I'm going to start a figure-review blog, check it out:
It was promised! The secrets of my trade, available for the entire world to use, therefore rendering me useless...
Three amigos! Got these pieces loose at a comic store, and I thought I'd give 'em a try working as a team. My mistake... (Each figure is rated on a five star scale)
http://www.aduckwhat.com/robert/heroclix/customs_view.cfm?cat_view=2 : Of the handfull of heroclix dial making utilities, this is my favorite. Get yourself a free, non-invasive account and easily whip up the dials you want for your custom heroclix figures! Easy, fast, and an interesting archive for dials other players have made...
Can't find amusement here? Check out the heroclix ring, a big ol' bunch of sites dedicated to various aspects of heroclixing! My blog is a member, which shows how cool it really is! Just follow the link here, and be awed...